What is Backpacking vs Hiking? (Told The Difference)

Well, this topic is nothing for pros but is annoying and confusing for beginners and for nerds like me who don’t know the difference between these two activities.

I know there is no difference between these two terms but you might be wrong because if there is no difference then the different names make no sense, right?

Now, in this article, I am going to tell you exactly what these two terms or activities are. I am not going to talk about other activities because that will become a mess.

Final Key Takeaways

  • Backpacking involves carrying gear for extended trips, offering a deeper immersion in nature, while hiking is typically shorter and less gear-intensive, suitable for day trips.
  • Hiking necessitates minimal gear like good shoes, a map, water, and snacks, while backpacking requires a larger backpack, tent, sleeping bag, cooking utensils, and additional clothing for extended stays.
  • Both activities offer health benefits such as cardiovascular health and stress relief, but hiking is simpler and more accessible, while backpacking provides a more immersive experience and self-sufficiency skills.

What is backpacking vs hiking?

Backpacking and hiking are both almost the same activities but there are some differences between them.

What is hiking?

Hiking typically involves walking on established or not established trails or paths, ranging from easy to challenging terrains.

It is a day trip or a shorter excursion that allows you to enjoy nature, exercise, and take in the scenery, and personally, I like scenery the most.

Hiking is for all ages and fitness levels, offering opportunities to explore local parks, forests, and mountains.

Woman hiking on a sunny day
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

What is backpacking?

On the other hand, backpacking is carrying all your gear and supplies on your back for an extended period. It can be for one day and night for one week or even for one month.

It often includes multi-day trips, covering longer distances and venturing into more remote areas. You know what I have to say about backpacking: Backpacking allows you to fully immerse yourself in nature, camp under the stars, and experience the thrill of self-sufficiency.

Now, I know after this much explanation you still don’t know what is the difference between these two activities. Let me clear that.

Korean woman is backpacking on an island in Korea.
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

The key differences

While both backpacking and hiking involve walking in nature, there are a few key distinctions. Hiking is generally a shorter and less gear-intensive activity, suitable for day trips or shorter adventures.

Backpacking, on the other hand, requires careful planning, including packing food, shelter, and other essentials for extended periods.

Backpacking also offers the opportunity to explore more remote and less-traveled areas, where you can truly disconnect from your daily life.

It allows you to challenge yourself physically and mentally, as you go through rugged terrains and encounter a deeper sense of solitude.

Are there any types of backpacking and hiking?

Yes, there are so many types of hiking and backpacking as well.

When I was writing this article I was confused about what types I should include here and what not. So, after a lot of thinking and one cup of coffee, I have added some of the types.

To make things clear and easy I have made a table for you here.

Thru-hiking: Completing an entire long-distance trail, like the Appalachian Trail or the Pacific Crest Trail. (This is technically hiking’s type.)Day Hiking: Exploring a trail for a few hours to a full day, returning to the starting point at the end.
Wilderness Backpacking: Carrying all supplies and camping in remote, unmanaged areas.Summit Hiking: Reaching the top of a mountain peak and returning to the starting point.
Adventure Backpacking: Combining backpacking with activities like rock climbing, kayaking, or mountain biking.Base Camping: Setting up a main camp and exploring shorter trails from that location.
Ultralight Backpacking: Using specialized lightweight gear to minimize pack weight.Peak-Bagging: Climbing and reaching the summit of multiple mountains on a single trip.
International Backpacking: Traveling and backpacking through different countries, often with cultural immersion.Bushwhacking: Hiking off-trail through dense vegetation or uncharted areas.
Woman hiking on a sunny day
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

What does the dictionary say about hiking and backpacking words?

Today I am going to tell everything to you about the differences in every aspect. For that reason, it is so important to tell you the word distinctions.

The dictionary does not specifically define the terms “hiking” and “backpacking” as separate entities.

However, it does provide general definitions for both activities.

For example:

Hiking: A long walk, especially for pleasure or exercise, often in the countryside or wilderness. (Source: Dictionary.com)

Hiking meaning

Backpacking: A form of hiking where individuals carry all the necessary gear and supplies for an overnight or multi-day trip in the wilderness.

Backpacking meaning

Well, did you get it, or not? Well, if you still don’t, let me tell you the main differences between hiking and backpacking.

What are the main differences between backpacking and hiking?

First, let’s talk about hiking.

Hiking is minimalism. A hiker will not carry bags of food and kitchen utensils camping tents or any other things that are used to stay or sleep.

The main thing that hikers want is to cover as much area on their feet as they can. They also want to cover that area quickly.

In hiking you will come back home after walking in the jungles or trails made in the countryside. Also, hikers need some gear which we will talk about later.

On the other hand, backpacking is the activity when you carry everything from your home and put it in a backpack and carry it on your back and go into the wilderness and set up your tent and live a day or night or weeks as long as you want.

Group of Person Walking in Mountain
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

Now you know in backpacking you have to live a day or two in the wilderness so you will know what things you need, like snacks, water, clothing, jackets, or other things.

So the main difference between these two activities is the duration and the amount of gear you carry.

What is the difference between the gear of backpacking and hiking?

Now, let’s talk about the gear that you need for hiking and backpacking. This is the most important difference between these two activities.

Hiking gear:

Hiking is usually a shorter activity, typically lasting a few hours or a day. As a result, the gear required for hiking is relatively minimal.

Let me tell you some essential items that are considered bringing on a hiking trip.

Good hiking shoes: A comfortable and sturdy pair of hiking shoes is essential for any hiking activity. Boots/shoes provide the necessary support and traction to go through various terrains.

Map or GPS: It’s always a good idea to have a map or GPS device to help you navigate the trails and ensure you stay on the right track. This will help you avoid getting lost and make your hiking experience good.

Plenty of water: As you know staying hydrated is so much important for hiking. So when hiking you gotta carry enough water to keep yourself hydrated throughout the trip.

High angled view of organized hiking gear placed on rustic wooden boards in rectangle format
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

For that consider bringing a reusable water bottle or a hydration bladder to make it easier to stay hydrated on the go. (Read this article as well: How to carry and how much water while hiking?)

Snacks: Pack some lightweight and energizing snacks to keep your energy levels up during the hike. Granola bars, trail mixes, and dried fruits are great options.

Weather-Appropriate Clothing: It is important to check the weather forecast before your hike and dress accordingly. Layer your clothing to be prepared for any temperature changes. To protect hikers from the sun they wear hats and sunscreen.

Small Backpack: A small backpack is sufficient to carry essentials while hiking. Please look for one with comfortable straps and enough room to hold your water, snacks, extra clothing layers, and any other personal items you may need.

This gear is not enough and for that reason, I have a separate article here: Hiking gear.

Backpacking gear:

Backpacking involves extended trips, often lasting several days or even weeks. As a result, the gear required for backpacking is more comprehensive.

Let me tell you some essential items to consider when planning a backpacking activity.

Larger Backpack: A larger, more robust backpack is needed to accommodate all your camping gear, clothing, and food for the duration of the trip. Look for a backpack with proper support and adjustable straps for a comfortable fit.

Tent: A lightweight and durable tent is essential for backpacking trips.

Sleeping Bag: Choose a sleeping bag that is suitable for the expected temperatures during your backpacking trip.

Cooking Utensils and Stoves: When backpacking, you’ll need coding utensils and a stove to prepare meals.

camping gear including boots, tent poles, matches, stove, and rope laid out on top of a sleeping pad.
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

Additional Clothing: Since backpacking trips are longer, you’ll need additional clothing to stay comfortable. Pack extra layers, including a heavier sleeping bag, to stay warm during chilly nights.

Entertainment Equipment: If you enjoy some entertainment while in the wilderness, consider bringing a lightweight and portable device such as a small stereo or a book to keep you entertained during downtime.

These are some of the things that are essential for hiking and backpacking. But there are so many other things that you should consider.

Which one is better for health and mood hiking or backpacking?

Everybody should first think about their health and then about their mood but I think about my mood first and then decide what I should do hiking or backpacking.

Well, I would highly recommend for you that you should first think about your health. If you are a person who has disabilities then it is obvious that you won’t be able to hike as normal people.

But your mood will say; let’s go hiking. Well, for this kind of people, there is a different kind of hiking and that is called adaptive hiking. I have already talked about it in a previous article.

Now, let’s understand which one is better for your mood and your health.

If we talk about hiking for mood then I would say it is obvious that your mood will get refreshed. Yes, hiking can indeed help refresh your mood.

Hiking not only refreshes your mood but it will relieve your stress, you will do your work with more focus and your anxiety will be reduced.

happy family travel in mountains at sunset, mom, dad and kids enjoy hiking
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

It is also seen that hiking can boost your endorphin levels and it will bring you good feelings and happiness.

If we talk about hiking for your health then yes it is good for you in different ways. It is good for your cardiovascular health, muscle building, weight loss, bone density, improved balance, and better sleep.

Now on the other hand, if we talk about backpacking, it will refresh your mood and improve your health in many ways.

Just like hiking, backpacking will also relieve your stress and will increase your feelings of well-being.

With backpacking your mood will be improved, you will be mindful, you will be able to foster social interaction, your self-esteem will be boosted, your sleep quality will be improved and your mental health will be improved as well.

Why backpacking is better than hiking?

There are several reasons why backpacking can be considered better than hiking. Let me tell you why backpacking is a preferred choice for many backpackers.

Immersive experience

Backpacking allows you to fully immerse yourself in nature. With a backpack on your shoulders, you can venture deeper into the wilderness, away from the crowded trails.

You have the freedom to explore remote areas, encounter wildlife, and discover hidden gems that are inaccessible to day hikers.

Travelers Backpack Left On The Ground Outdoors
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

Overnight Adventures

Unlike hiking, backpacking offers the opportunity for overnight adventures. Carrying your camping gear and spending the night under the stars allows you to extend your exploration and truly connect with nature.

Waking up to breathtaking views and the sounds of nature is an experience like no other.


Backpacking encourages self-sufficiency and resourcefulness. You learn to pack efficiently, prioritize essentials, and adapt to different environments.

It’s a chance to challenge yourself physically and mentally, building resilience and problem-solving skills along the way.

Remote destinations

Backpacking opens up a world of remote destinations. Whether it’s trekking through rugged mountains, traversing dense forests, or exploring pristine lakes, backpacking allows you to reach places that are off the beaten path.

These untouched landscapes offer a sense of serenity and a chance to disconnect from your life.

Woman traveler with backpack enjoying sunset on peak of mountain.
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

Sense of accomplishment

Completing a backpacking trip gives you a tremendous sense of accomplishment. Overcoming challenges, pushing your limits, and reaching your destination can be incredibly rewarding.

The memories and experiences gained from backpacking will stay with you for a lifetime.

Why hiking is better than backpacking?

Well, just like backpacking, hiking has its benefits. Here are some reasons why hiking is often considered better than backpacking.

Simplicity and flexibility

Hiking requires minimal gear and planning compared to backpacking. With hiking, you can simply lace up your boots, grab a backpack with essentials, and hit the trails.

This simplicity allows for more flexibility in terms of time and location. You can easily fit in a hike during a weekend or explore nearby trails without the need for extensive preparation.

Lighter load

Backpacking involves carrying a heavy backpack filled with camping gear, food, and other essentials for an extended trip.

On the other hand, hiking allows you to enjoy the outdoors with a lighter load. You can focus on the journey, appreciate the scenery, and move at a comfortable pace without the burden of a heavy pack.

Happy family hiking in the countryside
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

Day trips and variety

Hiking offers the opportunity for day trips, allowing you to explore different trails and landscapes without the need for overnight stays.

This variety is perfect for those who prefer shorter adventures or want to experience different terrains and environments.


While backpacking often requires traveling to remote locations or designated campsites, hiking trails are more accessible.

You can find hiking trails in national parks, local parks, and even urban areas. This accessibility makes hiking a great option for people of all fitness levels and ages.

Well, one more thing I want to tell you is that sometimes you will have to go for both hiking and backpacking.

For example situations when your backpacking location is top of the mountain then you will have to go from the hiking trails and then you will reach there.

There are so many other situations. So, in this kind of situation, you will go through hiking, trekking, walking, and then backpacking.

Woman with a Backpack Walking on a Road
Image by: EarthlingsIQ.com

Final Thoughts – What is Backpacking vs Hiking?

In a nutshell, backpacking and hiking are both wonderful ways to connect with nature and reap numerous health benefits.

While backpacking offers a more immersive and self-sufficient experience, hiking provides simplicity, flexibility, and accessibility.

Whether you choose one or enjoy both, the key is to get outdoors, explore, and find what brings you joy and fulfillment.

Have you learned something new today? Let me know in the comments.

Can hiking or backpacking be dangerous?

Both hiking and backpacking carry some risks, such as getting lost, encountering wildlife, or facing extreme weather conditions. However, with proper preparation, including bringing navigation tools, and emergency supplies, and checking weather forecasts, you can mitigate these risks.

What are some essential safety tips for hiking and backpacking?

Always inform someone about your itinerary before heading out, stay on designated trails, bring enough food and water, wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and carry a first aid kit. Additionally, familiarize yourself with basic wilderness survival skills.

Are there age restrictions for hiking or backpacking?

Generally, there are no strict age restrictions for hiking or backpacking, as people of all ages can enjoy these activities. However, it’s essential to consider individual fitness levels, mobility, and any health conditions before embarking on more challenging trails or extended backpacking trips.

How can I minimize my environmental impact while hiking or backpacking?

Respect wildlife and their habitats by observing from a distance, packing out all trash, following Leave No Trace principles, staying on marked trails to avoid damaging vegetation, and using environmentally-friendly camping practices, such as using biodegradable soap and avoiding building new fire rings.

What should I do if I encounter wildlife while hiking or backpacking?

If you encounter wildlife, maintain a safe distance, avoid sudden movements, do not feed them, and give them space to move away. Carry bear spray or other deterrents if hiking in bear country and familiarize yourself with local wildlife regulations and recommendations.

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