Is Trail Wolf Hiking Legit? (The TRUTH 2024)

Hiking is undoubtedly one of the most popular choices among nature enthusiasts. There are different benefits of hiking and I know you know them.

And hiking is getting popular but with the increasing popularity, it is essential to ensure that you choose a legitimate and reputable hiking company to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

One company that has garnered attention in the hiking community is Trail Wolf Hiking. Before buying any product of them you must first evaluate the legitimacy of this company.

So, in this article, I am going to tell you the aspects that determine the legitimacy of a hiking company and Is Trail Wolf Hiking legit.

Key Takeaways

  • The review raises red flags about Trail Wolf Hiking’s legitimacy, citing negative Reddit reviews, conflicting information, and a visually appealing but information-limited website. Caution is advised for potential customers.
  • Red flags include a lack of positive reviews, limited transparency on the website, the absence of a reviews section, and a focus on scenic images on social media rather than showcasing products. Customers are urged to exercise caution.
  • The cumulative evidence, including minimal founder information, domain redirection, and a single email address for support, suggests potential issues with Trail Wolf Hiking’s credibility. Safety and satisfaction should be prioritized, and exploring established alternatives is recommended for outdoor gear needs.

But first, what are the things to check if a website is legit to buy from?

You know you should have a weapon or a tool to measure the legitimacy of a website or a company. It is so much important you know. I know, how to measure that because I have the experience.

I have been working for 3 years in different websites and companies and I know how to check specifically how much a website is legit.

Yes, I am a hiker as well and I AM the one who has established this website. I am telling you this is my new website and I am working 24/7 to make it better and better.

As you know with the rise of online shopping, it is important to ensure that the websites we buy from are legitimate and trustworthy.

So, let me tell you my experience of how I test a website and measure its legitimacy.

  • Secure connection
  • Contact information
  • Professional design
  • User reviews and ratings
  • Secure payment options
  • Domain Registration
  • Social media presence

The first thing that you should do is check if the website has a secure connection by looking for “https://” at the beginning of the URL.

The “s” indicates that the website has an SSL certificate, which encrypts data transmitted between the user and the website, ensuring that personal information is protected.

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This is my SSL certificate.

Legitimate websites will provide clear and easily accessible contact information, including a physical address and a phone number. Avoid websites that only provide email addresses or have no contact information at all.

A professional and well-designed website is often an indication of its legitimacy. Look for a clean layout, clear navigation, and high-quality images. Poorly designed websites with spelling errors and broken links may be a sign of a scam.

Please search for user reviews and ratings about the website. Check reputable review platforms or social media channels to see what others have said about their experiences with the website. Be cautious if there are many negative reviews or if the website has no reviews at all.

When you are going to buy something from a website ensure that the website offers secure payment options. Look for trusted payment gateways such as PayPal or major credit cards.

Avoid websites that only accept wire transfers or require payment through unconventional methods.

If we go into more details then you can use Whois lookup tools to check the domain’s registration date and owner information. Older domains and ownership by a reputable entity are generally better signs.

Please check if the website has active social media accounts with genuine engagement. Fake accounts or lack of online presence can raise red flags.

These are my personal things that I check and by considering these factors, you can make informed decisions when shopping online and minimize the risk of falling victim to scams or fraudulent websites.

Remember to trust your instincts and if something seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Now, that I have given you the weapon or a tool to test a website, let’s check if Trail Wolf Hiking is legit, shall we?

If you are a hiker then you should know the unparalleled hiking. Well, don’t worry if you don’t know because you can know that in this guide: What is unparalleled hiking?

Is Trail Wolf Hiking legit?

Well, after reviewing the website I have concluded that the website has a low level of being legitimate. There are many red flags and other websites that are saying that this website/company is not a legit one.

As you know Reddit is the best source to check and know if a website or company is a scam or legit. Well, on Reddit this site has no good reviews.

screenshot from reddit
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Now the next thing that I have checked is, that a website called: has also written that this website is 50=50. Means it is 50 percent legit and 50 percent scam. Check the screenshot.

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The other two websites have found that this website is not legit. This is the final answer if you want to read more then keep reading, or if you don’t want then you can go but this is the final answer: This website/company is not legit.

I will update this article if I get some updates about it.

I will go deeper into details now, so, let’s move on to the next heading.

What does Trail Wolf Hiking Company provide or sell?

By looking at their website they sell products of ignition, cookware, and apparel.

screenshot from trail wolf hiking website
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On their website, these things are listed in their navigation menu but what they can sell you in their email newsletter I don’t know.

If you are traveling and want to know if you can bring hiking poles on the plane. Well, in this guide you can get the answer: Can you bring hiking poles on a plane?

My review, what I have seen? Their website

Now, what I have seen on their website according to my testers. They do have a good-looking website with good design and colors.

But the website lacks some very important information. Like look at the navigation bar, it is not a very big website. One it is a new website or it is the old one and because of that reason, they have not added many products in the navigation bar.

Next, when I opened the product information I found that they had provided good photos of the products and a good description of that product.

They are providing different payment options. But one thing that I didn’t like is there is no reviews section on their website, which is the biggest red flag for this website.

On the other hand, if we look at the home page there is nothing interesting thing. There is one navigation bar then the slider and then the footer, that’s it. I don’t think that should a website do.

Usually, legit websites provide longer home pages with their designs, offers, sales, discounts, best products, reviews, testimonials, and many other things.

If we talk about social media then there is only a Facebook page embedded in the footer of the website which is not a good sign for a website that sells something.

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On Facebook, they have around 6.6k followers for now and they are posting simple images of different parks and places and not the products. But one thing is obvious they are consistent on their Facebook page.

I couldn’t find any other social media. There are some indexes in the search results but they are not working at all.

Other things are good like the SSL certificate but the reviews that they have gained from Reddit and other sites are not very positive.

If you wanna know if you can wear Duck boots, Combat boots, or Doc Martens. Well, I have written separate articles for them. You can check them here:

Does Trail Wolf Hiking have any social media and are they legit?

They only have a Facebook page for the time being and their other social media accounts are removed or are 404 pages.

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This is not a good practice for a website or company that sells products. On this Facebook page, they only provide images of destinations and landscapes or other places like mountains and lakes, etc.

But they are not showing their products and not showing how their products can be used or how their products have helped other people.

This is the biggest red flag of this company that I don’t like and many other people who have reviewed their site also told me this.

Is Trail Wolf Hiking a new company or an old one?

According to the sources, this company is a new one and their domain is newly registered, I have also seen one thing in the Google search results you will see two domain names. But the second one domain redirects to the first one.

Check the screenshot.

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This is another red flag that tells us that there is something wrong with this brand. The first domain name(the second domain name in the screenshot) was good, don’t you think? But they still bought another domain name and redirected the older one.

Who owns the Trail Wolf Hiking company?

I have visited the About Us page and the Contact Us page on their website no person is the founder of this website.

I know it is ridiculous, but it is true.

The founder and CEO of Trail Wolf HIking company is Mike. I don’t know what is his surname and his last name because the company’s about us page only tells Mike.

According to this founder, this website was founded in 2021.

You can also check the screenshot here. By the way, one thing I wanna tell you is that the About Us pages are not just three or four paragraphs about the CEO but they are everything for a website.

Usually, the About Us pages of websites or companies are longer and more legitimate. In those pages, they tell us about everything and they keep themselves open. But the Trail Wolf Hiking company only tells about the CEO in three paragraphs on their about us page.

Check the screenshot below.

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Their footer.

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One thing that I don’t like is they are just providing one email address for support, tracking your order, or any subscriptions. That is not good.

Final Verdict on Is Trail Wolf Hiking Legit?

So let’s conclude.

After a thorough examination of Trail Wolf Hiking’s website and company details, several red flags have been identified that suggest potential issues with legitimacy.

The lack of positive reviews on platforms like Reddit and conflicting information from different sources, including, contribute to the skepticism surrounding the company.

The website itself, while visually appealing, lacks some crucial elements that are common in established and trustworthy online stores.

The absence of a reviews section on the website, limited information on the company’s About Us page, and redirection of domain names are all concerns that raise doubts about the credibility of Trail Wolf Hiking.

Furthermore, the company’s social media presence is limited to a Facebook page that primarily shares scenic images rather than showcasing its products or customer experiences.

The absence of other active social media accounts is another indicator that raises questions about the company’s transparency and engagement with its customers.

In terms of ownership, the information provided on the founder, Mike, is minimal, and the About Us page lacks the depth typically seen in legitimate companies.

The fact that only a single email address is provided for customer support, order tracking, and subscriptions adds to the overall sense of unprofessionalism.

Considering all these factors, it is recommended to exercise caution when dealing with Trail Wolf Hiking.

The cumulative evidence suggests that the company may not be entirely trustworthy, and potential customers should explore more established and transparent alternatives for their hiking and outdoor gear needs.

I would say, always prioritize your safety and satisfaction when choosing an online retailer for outdoor products.

So, did you get the answer to this question: Is Trail Wolf Hiking Legit?

Frequently Asked Questions about Is Trail Wolf Hiking Legit?

Is Trail Wolf Hiking a trustworthy company to purchase outdoor gear from?

The evidence presented raises concerns about Trail Wolf Hiking’s legitimacy, including conflicting reviews on platforms like Reddit and limited transparency on their website. It is advisable to exercise caution and explore more established alternatives for outdoor gear needs.

What are the key red flags that suggest potential issues with Trail Wolf Hiking’s legitimacy?

Several red flags include a lack of positive reviews, conflicting information from different sources, a visually appealing but information-limited website, the absence of a reviews section, and a limited social media presence that focuses on scenic images rather than showcasing products.

Why should potential customers exercise caution when dealing with Trail Wolf Hiking?

The cumulative evidence, such as minimal information about the company’s founder, limited transparency on the About Us page, a redirection of domain names, and a single email address for customer support, raises doubts about Trail Wolf Hiking’s credibility. Caution is advised to prioritize safety and satisfaction when choosing an online retailer for outdoor products.

Are there alternative outdoor gear retailers recommended over Trail Wolf Hiking?

Considering the concerns about Trail Wolf Hiking’s legitimacy, it is recommended to explore more established and transparent alternatives for purchasing outdoor gear. Prioritizing retailers with a positive track record and transparent business practices is crucial for a satisfying shopping experience.

What aspects should customers prioritize for a safe online shopping experience for outdoor products?

Customers should prioritize websites with a secure connection (https://), clear and easily accessible contact information, professional website design, positive user reviews, secure payment options, domain registration details, and active and genuine social media engagement. Trusting instincts and being cautious with unfamiliar websites are crucial to avoid falling victim to scams or fraudulent activities.

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